Category: Accessories

Leather weaving often presents “visual” effects through interwoven textures. Is there any way to feel the texture through “touching”? In contrast to leather, cotton prioritizes tactile sense as primary function. Comparing both fiber directions, leather fibers lie in a two-dimensional(2D) plane, whereas other soft fibers like cotton exist in a three-dimensional(3D) space. By using leather interweaving to make more protrusions, increace the fiber direction to be more similar to cotton when touching. In addition to presenting a 3D visual effect to the weaving, it also provides a touch sensation which is different from typical weaving when using. Coco Chanel has said "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only." Besides dresses, bags, earrings, necklaces, belts, etc., also play a crucial role in styling. Therefore, I use 3D weaving as an element, designing an accessory set which has leather bag, earrings, and necklace, and I adpot earth tones to ensure matching outfits without appearing abrupt.