Back to the present

Category: Apparel

“Back to the present”参赛作品说明 “真皮真自我”2023全球学生设计大赛 “Genuine Self” 2023 Global Student Design Competition “Back to the present”灵感源于玛丽亚·罗宾逊(Maria Robinson)的名言“没有人可以回到过去重新开始,但每个人都可以从现在开始创造全新的未来。”以环保可持续为名,采用可降解环保牛皮、古老的环保面料侗布与传统棉麻碰撞结合。整体色彩以黑白灰色调为整体布局,点缀明度较高的蓝银,整体风格偏时尚休闲风。细节上在设计之前对线、缝线、口袋和整理上进行各种测试,最大限度上利用织物。旨在创造既呵护身心又关爱环境的衍生服装。 "Back to the present" is inspired by Maria Robinson's famous quote "No one can go back in time and start over, but everyone can start now and create a new future." "In the name of environmental protection and sustainability, the use of degradable and environmentally friendly cowhide, ancient environmentally friendly fabric Dong cloth and traditional cotton and linen collide and combination. The overall color is arranged in black, white and gray tones, embellished with blue silver with high brightness, and the overall style is more fashionable and casual. In terms of details, various tests are performed on threads, stitching, pockets and finishing before design to maximize the use of the fabric. The aim is to create derivative clothing that cares for both the body and mind and the environment.

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