漫画功夫 KUNG-FU of MANGA!

Category: Footwear

漫画功夫是一个谐音双关。既指带有漫画元素的功夫鞋——即我的作品。又指漫画其本身需要用到的技巧。 如今许多国潮单品是在西方版式上添加中国元素,起到锦上添花的作用。所以我想反其道而行之,在中国传统的功夫鞋版式基础上加入流行(是的,不仅限于中华传统)元素。灵感来源于具有中国代表性的鞋款∶功夫鞋。 漫画是现代年轻人所喜爱的阅读方式,其风格多样,可塑性强。本次设计所参考的是日本昭和时代的日本漫画简单的分镜有着强烈的对比与视觉冲击,是许多现代漫画表现手法的基础。 此系列鞋款真皮含量高,除环保意识和真皮本身长处外,我希望打破人们对功夫鞋的刻板印象,让人们看到功夫鞋版型的美感所在。 Kung Fu of Manga is a homophonic pun. It refers to kung fu shoes with comic elements—that is, my work. It also refers to the skills that comics themselves need to use. Nowadays, many national fashion items add Chinese elements to the western layout, which plays the role of icing on the cake. So I want to do the opposite and add popular (yes, not only Chinese traditional) elements to the traditional Chinese Kung Fu shoe layout. The inspiration comes from the representative shoes in China: Kung Fu shoes. Comics are the favorite reading method of modern young people, with various styles and strong plasticity. This design refers to the Japanese manga of the Showa era in Japan. The simple storyboard has strong contrast and visual impact, and is the basis of many modern manga expression techniques. This series of shoes has high leather content. In addition to environmental awareness and the advantages of leather itself, I hope to break people's stereotypes of kung fu shoes and let people see the beauty of kung fu shoes.