鯨落-Circle of Life-

Category: Footwear

鯨落是指鯨魚死亡的過程,隨著不斷墜落中。遺骸會在不同階段的被不 同的海洋生物分解掉,滋養著不同生物,即使是枯骨也能成為許多生物庇 護的棲息地。儘管已消亡,卻帶來了新生,回歸大海懷中。 “一鯨落,萬物生”就好像牠在最後對世界溫柔又浪漫的告別。 Whale fall refers to the process of whale death, as it continues to fall. Remains will be decomposed by different marine organisms at different stages, nourishing different organisms, and even dry bones can become a habitat for many organisms to shelter. Although it has died, it has brought new life and returned to the embrace of the sea. "When a whale falls, all things come to life" is like its gentle and romantic farewell to the world at the end.