Category: Accessories

百寶箱是很神秘的存在,好奇心會使人更加期待裡面放的是什麼,不知道打開是驚喜還是驚嚇,而我的百寶箱運用許多細胞的圓型形狀,以各式型態出現在包身上,而我外加了巧妙的設計,拉開百寶箱的拉鍊,還會再看到許多圓型小包包,以鍊子串連接合,鍊子搭配可拆式的五金勾,能將小包包放置自己喜歡的位置,色彩的部分,包包外主要以暗色系搭配像細胞紋理的皮革組成,裡面的小包包則採用亮色系,我希望打開的人,能如同顏色的轉變,在打開的一瞬間能感受到快樂的喜悅,這也是我創作的初衷。 The treasure chest is a mysterious entity, arousing curiosity about what lies within. One can't help but wonder whether opening it will bring delight or surprise. My treasure chest employs the circular shapes of cells, appearing in various forms on its surface. I've added a clever design element: when you unzip the chest, you'll discover numerous small circular pouches linked together by chains. These pouches feature detachable metal hooks, allowing you to place them wherever you like. As for the colors, the exterior of the chest is primarily composed of dark hues, complemented by a texture reminiscent of cell patterns. The inner pouches, however, sport bright colors. I hope that who open it will experience a moment of happy to the transformation of colors, feeling the happiness and delight that inspired my creation.