Legalize Everything - Delivery BackPack

Category: Accessories

The concept of rules and the way they are created and enforced has always been a topic of debate and controversy. Some argue that they are necessary for maintaining order and structure in society, while others claim that they are used by those in power to maintain control and limit freedom. In this context, the skateboarding culture's core philosophy of "consciousness of freedom" has become increasingly relevant. Skateboarding is a sport that emphasizes individuality and creativity, where skaters are constantly pushing themselves to achieve new and challenging tricks and stunts. This mindset has influenced a generation of individuals who value personal expression and the freedom to challenge the status quo. Using this concept as inspiration, the designer has created a unique and versatile bag that reflects the values of the skateboarding culture. The use of leather, a material that is both durable and flexible, allows for variations in the bag's design and provides different ways of wearing it. The laser-engraved printing adds a unique touch of style and personality to the bag, reflecting the idea of individuality and self-expression. Overall, the bag's design is a tribute to the skateboarding culture's values of freedom, creativity, and individuality. It is a symbol of resistance against the rules and constraints imposed by society and a celebration of the power of self- expression and personal autonomy.