Rebellious Youth
Category: Apparel
我们的设计灵感来自年轻人独特的叛逆和自我探索精神。青春期是人生中最具活力和探索性的阶段。通过时装设计,我们旨在展示年轻人对传统观念的挑战,以及他们对自我认同的深刻反省和追求。 Our designs are inspired by the unique spirit of rebellion and self-exploration of young people. Adolescence is the most dynamic and exploratory stage of life. Through fashion design, we aim to show the challenges posed by young people to traditional notions, as well as their deep introspection and pursuit of self-identity. Before formal painting, I studied the historical clothing and meanings of rebel youth from different periods. Based on my inspiration, silhouette and emotions, I drew some sketches and picked a few of them as formal choices. It helped me to think outside the box for the rest of the series. In the design of this collection, we have eliminated synthetic fabrics that are harmful to the environment, and fully embodied the theme of "sustainability". In terms of fabric selection, in addition to more than 50% cowhide, we also selected shirts and other parts that do not need cowhide. Eco-friendly fabrics like linen, organic cotton, and even dyed fishing nets. Combined with our designs, we have never created new, durable, eco-friendly garments. When it comes to garment patterns, we choose organic dye dyeing or hand-sewing to achieve it. For accessories such as eye bands, we choose to combine clothing fabrics with organic materials in a DIY way. Youth rebellion is a young but long-standing topic. It is the youth of every era, and it is also the youth of everyone. Our selection and interpretation of this theme is to let the younger generation see the value of sustainable ecological environmental protection, integrate novel clothing design into sustainable development elements, and stimulate young people's attention to environmental protection.