Category: Apparel
我的设计灵感来自现代城市建筑中模块化建筑的结合和传统编织技术的块状纹理。我将这些元素与现代城市绿洲地形图的面积和形状相结合,使用它们进行模块化拼凑。这种独特的方法旨在创造一个可持续的男装系列,为快节奏的城市生活带来一丝自然宁静与和谐。设计灵感来自于现代都市建筑的模块化构造和传统编织技术的块状感结合。我将这些元素与现代都市中的绿洲地形图相结合,利用其面积和形状进行模块化拼接,创造出一个独特且可持续的男装系列。通过这种方式,我希望在快节奏的城市生活中,为人们带来一丝自然的宁静与和谐。 My design inspiration comes from the combination of modular construction in modern urban architecture and the block-like texture of traditional weaving techniques. I integrate these elements with the area and shape of the oasis terrain map in modern cities, using them for modular patchwork. This unique approach aims to create a sustainable menswear collection that brings a touch of natural tranquility and harmony to the fast-paced urban life.