Category: Apparel
这个系列的背景故事来自于中国的一个综艺"我可以47",这个综艺讲述的是体育类竞技真人秀,嘉宾都是体育领域超顶尖的任务,当时做为演员的赵奕欢打破了所有人的看法,突破了自己。所以我选择人的情绪来作为灵感来源,表达出自己可以突破自己,成为不一样的自信与决心。 The background story of this series comes from a variety show in China called "I Can 47," which is a sports competition reality show, and the guests are all the top players in the sports field. At that time, Zhao Yihuan, as an actor, broke through everyone's opinions and broke through himself. So I choose people's emotions as a source of inspiration, to express their confidence and determination that they can break through themselves and become different.