筍包 ! bamboo shoots !
Category: Accessories
此包款以竹筍為主題,古異名為籜龍,是指由竹根莖上的芽苞發育成嫩莖稈的部分。從古至今延伸出許多諺語和寓意,並描述當時的情形與狀況,進而引伸出不同的象徵。如宋詩中經常以筍為意象,不僅熱衷以食筍為題進行詩歌創作,也賦予竹筍甘於貧寒、堅守純潔心靈的高尚品格之意。 此包款的設計以一層一層堆疊為發想,代表著步步高升、奮發向上等象徵,同時也不局限於單一型態,如像花朵一樣綻放出竹子的樣貌,並引伸出另一個用意。 This bag is based on the theme of bamboo shoots. The ancient name is Shelong, which refers to the part that develops from the buds on the bamboo rhizomes to the tender stems. From ancient times to the present, many proverbs and morals have been extended, and the situation and situation at that time have been described, and then different symbols have been derived. For example, bamboo shoots are often used as images in Song poetry. Not only are they keen to create poems on the topic of eating bamboo shoots, but they also endow bamboo shoots with the meaning of being willing to be poor and sticking to a pure heart. The design of this bag is based on the idea of stacking layers one by one, which represents symbols such as stepping up and striving to make progress. At the same time, it is not limited to a single shape, such as blooming bamboo like a flower, and eliciting another intention.