瓶 Vase
Category: Accessories
设计说明 小时候经常看到家里桌上有个颜色漂亮的高瓶子,长大才知道原来它是家乡洛阳的一种彩陶工艺品—唐三彩。此后这个名字始终对应着脑海里那个颜色绚丽,高高挺立的“瓶”。 此设计观察了众多唐三彩瓶的花纹特征,发现大多以点彩和条纹装饰为主,这让我联想到可以使传统唐三彩装饰花纹和当代波点、条纹艺术相结合,利用视错觉的引导,在包包上用平面花纹呈现出“瓶”的立体效果。即具有装饰性,同时又不失造型感和想象感。 这次的设计探索了皮革面料的印花新方式,通过皮革热转印的工艺实现图案造型,让皮革材料有了更多可持续的可能。 Design specification When I was young, I often saw a tall bottle with beautiful colors on the table at home. When I grew up, I knew that it was a kind of painted pottery handicraft in Luoyang, my hometown - Tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty. Since then, the name has always corresponded to the bright color and tall "vase" in my mind. This design observed the pattern characteristics of many tri-color vases of the Tang Dynasty, and found that most of them were decorated with dots and stripes, which made me think that the traditional tri-color decorative patterns of the Tang Dynasty could be combined with the contemporary art of dots and stripes, using the guidance of optical illusion to present the three-dimensional effect of "vases" with flat patterns on the bag. It is decorative, but also does not lose the sense of modeling and imagination.This design explores a new way of printing leather fabrics, realizes pattern modeling through leather thermal transfer printing process, and makes leather materials have more sustainable possibilities.