Category: Accessories

以蝴蝶結為設計的主軸,表述人們雖然不再被承諾與婚姻所束縛,情感關係也不再傳統與保守,相識、相戀後的分離已成為常態,卻不代表流動的情感因此而較不被珍惜,抑或是輕浮以待。擷取中文字「結」本身對於人的潛在意義,是「結識」、「結合」、「結伴」,是「心有千千結」,是「無解」。或許是悲痛欲絕後未了的心結,又或是濃情蜜意後殘留的餘韻…,皆是人與人之間彼此的牽絆,在物換星移後留下的祝福。 包款材質以軟皮革為主,風格取向帶有少女純情的浪漫,蘊含獨立精神的率性廓形,以較大尺寸的包款做為方向設定,增加俐落的視覺效果,也使包款使用時的內容量足夠充裕,提高實用性,可做為日常的外出用包,又不會失去造型的效果,甜酷的視覺融合帶有身而為人的自由與敢愛敢恨之氣質。 With the bow tie as the main idea of the design, it expresses that although people are no longer bound by promises and marriages, and their emotional relationships are no longer traditional ,their Sexual relationship are no longer conservative,but they still believe in love. In the end, the normality of being strangers to each other is the attendant result,but it does not mean that The feelings you once had are not cherished, the relationship people used to get along was perfunctory.The Chinese pronunciation of “realization” is similar to “gift “. the potential meaning of the Chinese word "knot", which means "acquaintance", "combination", "companionship", "thousands of knots in the heart", and "no solution". Perhaps The knot in people's hearts is the unforgivable misunderstanding after the grief, or the lingering rhyme after the deep love...... They are all blessings, left behind after the ties between people and the change of things. The material of the bag is mainly soft leather, the style orientation has the romance of a girl’s innocence, and the straightforward silhouette contains an independent spirit. The larger-sized bag is used as the direction setting to increase the neat visual effect and make the bag more attractive. When in use, the content is sufficient and the practicality is improved. It can be used as a daily outing bag without losing the effect of the fashion style. The sweet and cool visual fusion exudes the spirit of advocating freedom,and the Temperament of Dare to Love and Dare to Hate.