Category: Apparel
我的主題是想紀錄懷孕的女人,從這十個月的旅程中,女人所經歷的生理、心理上的變化是非常大的,我想透過設計保存這段神奇的經歷,在廓形上我參考了雕塑中女人用手托著孕肚並低頭凝視的樣子,以此代表母性的光輝與溫暖,而在腹部的設計則是用了相反的方式,以凹著的方式處理,想代表的是母親在他的身體留下一個空間給自己的孩子,亦代表無私的奉獻。 而在顏色上我則是參考了日落時所形成的暖黃橘色系作為主色,想讓看到這件作品的人都能感覺或想起母親的溫暖與愛。 My inspiration of this project is from pregnancy woman. When my mom had me, the power she showed, the woman's legendary makes me respect her and all woman, that is the reason why I am doing this project to show the world how powerful a pregnancy women is. The idea of my cutting is from sculpture about the woman hold there belly and look at the babies, that makes me feel powerful and magical. On the other hand, I choose the color of sunset to be my main color for my project, due to the warming feeling I got from it.