Category: Apparel
本系列设计灵感来源于地质活动中的火山熔岩流动、喷发后凝固形成的岩浆岩,它具有独特的纹理与色彩,运用几何元素与服装结合,赋予几何星球的独特意义。像每次对自我的审视,整个形成过程也代表着我们生活的轨迹,自身能量足够强大,迸发出不同的惊喜。通过不同面料肌理来呈现不同的元素,结合皮革,让服装整体表达原生的同时具备创新性,使该系列服装能够体现出独特的个性。 The design of this series is inspired by magmatic rocks formed by volcanic lava flow and solidification after eruption in geological activities. It has unique texture and color, and combines geometric elements with clothing to give unique meaning to the geometric planet. Like every self-examination, the whole formation process also represents the trajectory of our life, and its own energy is strong enough to burst out different surprises. Through different fabric textures to present different elements, combined with leather, so that the overall expression of the original clothing at the same time with innovation, so that the series of clothing can reflect the unique personality.