眼淚之河/River of Tears

Category: Accessories

悲傷自心中不斷漲高,我已無力假裝堅強 最後只能任由那些情緒,潰堤,匯聚成一條無盡的河。 靈感來自於照顧罹患失智患者的家屬,長期看著患者 因病受苦或脫序的模樣,而產生的悲傷與無力的情緒 最終化成眼淚傾瀉而出的狀態。 希望藉由這個帽飾創作,讓更多人去重視 不論是照顧失智症,還是失能親屬的照顧者心理 The sadness inside me keeps rising, and I am no longer able to pretend to be strong. In the end, I can only let those emotions flow like a never-ending river, bursting through the dam. The inspiration comes from the caregivers of people with dementia who have to witness the suffering or disorientation of their loved ones for a long time, and the resulting sadness and helplessness that eventually leads to a flood of tears. Through this creation, I hope to raise awareness and draw attention to the psychological struggles of caregivers, whether they are caring for people with dementia or disabled family members.