Comedy Paradise 喜剧乐园

Category: Footwear

运用植鞣皮革塑形的特点,进行夸张的造型设计,主色调以蓝色、粉色、黄色为主,希望能带给人愉快的感受。 不论是喜剧片还是喜剧动画片, 带给人最终的感受都是快乐的,如 同在游乐园中戏耍的孩童,我将我 对这些的感受融入到鞋子的设计里。 从喜剧表演者的表情、动作中提取 出各种形态的夸张的曲线线条,以及 出其不意的造型特点,运用游乐园中 的色彩,传递缤纷的乐观的氛围 Using the characteristics of vegetable tanned leather shaping, exaggerated styling design, the main colors are mainly blue, pink, yellow, hoping to bring people a pleasant feeling. Whether its a comedy or a comedy cartoon, the ultimate feeling is joy, like a child playing in an amusement park, and I incorporate my feelings into the design of my shoes. Exaggerated curved lines of various forms and unexpected modeling characteristics are extracted from the expressions and movements of comedian performers, and colors from amusement parks are used to convey a colorful and optimistic atmosphere