Sad Clown

Category: Accessories

以馬戲團小丑為設計想法,馬戲團小丑帶給大家都是歡樂的形象,搞笑的表演搞笑的外貌,小丑總是帶給大家歡笑聲,但是卻很少人了解小丑真正的內心,很多都是把歡聲笑語留給了觀眾卻無法娛樂自己,以此比喻很多人的內心。 Based on the design idea of circus clowns, circus clowns bring everyone a happy image and a funny appearance. Clowns always bring laughter to everyone, but few people know the real heart of clowns. Many of them leave laughter to the audience but can't entertain themselves, which is a metaphor for many people's hearts.