Time passes
Category: Accessories
Since people entered the age of science and technology, they often forget time because they are busy at work. Whenever people around them ask them about the time, time seems to be distorted and they don’t know what it is. After picking up the clock and looking at the time, they sigh that time has passed very quickly. fast. Through this work, I hope to arouse people to take a break in time despite the busy life and look at the things around them. Once time passes, you can never get it back. 人們自從邁入科技時代後,就常常因為工作忙碌而忘記時間,每當身邊的人向自己問起時間,時間就向扭曲一樣不知道是甚麼,拿起鐘錶看一下時間後,感嘆時間流逝很快速。藉由此作品希望喚起人們,生活忙碌之餘也要適時休息,看看身旁周遭的事物,時間一旦逝去就回不來了。