Category: Apparel
设计说明: 《Aurora》这一系列作品展现了当代人到目前为止短暂但却深刻的,对于外界期待和个人感知的精神内耗之旅。从第三视角阐述了天真浪漫到成长为独立力量的蜕变, 静候曙光的到来,在这过程中逐渐内心强大,获得抵御外界世俗的力量,实现浪漫主义到现实理性主义的转变。 “我于那个黑夜亲手杀死自己,在破碎之后获得重生。” 不羁、感性、超前、释放,进入内心的世界,直面自我、释放当下,以廓形的表现形式去描述生命深处的声音,用极具魅力的风格描绘出最刚毅的气质,用具有生命力的图案编制出丰盈的灵魂,锻造出坚硬的羽翼。 通过服装的形式将现实和幻想融合在一起,将观众带入了潜意识,随着作品的深入,向我们展示了打破精神内耗的经历和所见所闻, 由内心的焦虑迷茫到选择接受自己,释放自己,塑造出一个漫长的蜕变过程。 "Aurora" is a series of works that show contemporary people's short but deep journey of spiritual attrition to external expectations and personal perceptions. From the third perspective, it explains the transformation from naive romance to growing into an independent force. Waiting for the arrival of dawn, in this process, gradually become mentally strong, gain the power to resist the outside world, and realize the transformation from romanticism to realistic rationalism. "I killed myself with my own hands that night, and after being broken I was reborn." Uninhibited, emotional, advanced and released, enter the inner world, face the self, release the moment, describe the deep voice of life in the form of silhouette expression, depict the most resolute temperament with a very attractive style, weave a rich soul with a vitality pattern, forge a hard wing. Through the form of clothing, reality and fantasy are integrated together, bringing the audience into the subconscious. With the deepening of the work, it shows us the experience and what we see and hear that break the spiritual internal friction. From the inner anxiety and confusion to choose to accept themselves and release themselves, it has shaped a long process of transformation.