Category: Accessories
THE STAND AGAINST POACHING IS FOCUSED MAINLY ON TWO ANIMALS .. LIONS AND RHINOS AS THE HEAD orthers inclusive Its main objective is to save the wild ... : ..... Some leather artisans use endangered spices leather with the advantage expected .. Specifically picking out the lion and rhinos. That exhibit the masculinity in their nature, their leather is expected to be durabale and strong .... In the animal kingdom statistics show that the population of lions has reduced by 43% in the past 21 yrs .. same to rhinos .. more than 1000 were hunted in only south africa every year between 2013 to 2017. This rhino poaching crisis started in 2008 and it spread all across africa so here is the : BLACK RHINO leather bag by AMAGARA LEATHER COMPANY LTD The black rhino leather bag has exhibited that the use of re enforced cow leather can create a wild /safari beauty un matched compared to rhino and lion hids It also comes with the strength of two bulls that can superce both lion and rhino leather The use of this re enforced cow leather method can substitute the use of strong hides got from endangering the wild. Under good care , the black rhino leather bag is estimated to last over 45yrs thus still beating the lion and rhino durability which is 10 to 15 yrs due to the fatty nature of rhinos hence there is or will be no need for poaching Since this bag has pebble print on the dark tarn side which gives the experience of a rhino texture the sued kaki brown side gives the wild smooth touch of the lion feeling. Hence a. Satisfaction that exceeds the wild poarched leather. Lastly. a call for a stand against poaching by not using poached leather and substitute with re enforced or orther types of prints to reduce or else stop poaching thank you