wild heart

Category: Accessories

龐克風格的包包,使用了黑色漆皮以及普通皮革作為主材料。 包包中使用了許多的鉚釘、雞眼、金屬鍊以及拉鍊作為裝飾。 包包有使用拼接及鍊子使包包看起來更為活潑。 龐克,一直以來都給人一種放蕩不羈的感覺,我們活在制式化的教學體制,畢業後進入社會都在規定之下,而龐克可以表現出我內心的狂野以及黑暗。讓我在這個體制下的生活可以有表達內心的機會。 大量的金屬配飾不規則的金屬鍊都象徵著內心的狂野。 The punk-style bag uses black patent leather and ordinary leather as the main material. Many rivets, corns, metal chains and zippers are used in the bag as decoration. The bag uses stitching and chains to make the bag look more lively. Punk has always given people a bohemian feeling. We live in a standardized teaching system, and entering the society after graduation is under the rules, and punk can show the wildness and darkness in my heart. Let my life under this system have the opportunity to express my heart. A large number of metal accessories and irregular metal chains symbolize the wildness of the heart.