鸟鸣无声/Birdsong is silent

Category: Accessories

设计作品的灵感来源于鸮型青铜器,从鸮的信仰来源出发,天命玄鸟,降而生商,这是商对于鸟文化的信仰,鸮的形象作为“战神”、“神鸟”,却因为周对殷商文化的推倒洗牌,鸮的形象一落千丈,甚至加上“食母”的恶名,其影响一直持续到现代,猫头鹰“夜猫子”都是不好的印象。将其捧上神坛,而又诋毁造谣它,鸮本身无过错,它不会说话,不会表达,却被卷入人类的战争、政权更迭,经历战争的中心环节,当成文化抛弃品。被人过分关注,不如放任其自然养育、循环往复。笔者想通过皮雕立体化表现与箱包结合的方式,以另一种语言来呈现鸮这一形象。 同时采用传统皮雕工艺和现代皮雕工艺作为实现方式,对箱包皮革表面进行探索创新,做出立体化效果,探索传统与现代皮雕工艺的平衡点,突破传统皮雕作品风格,创新皮雕图案纹样,加以抽象化设计皮雕图案,以更加现代化的审美呈现箱包。 The inspiration of the design works comes from the owl-shaped bronzes, starting from the source of the owl's faith, the Mandate of Heaven Xuanniao, descending to give birth to Shang, which is Shang's belief in bird culture, the image of the owl as the "God of War" and "Divine Bird", but because of Zhou's reshuffle of Yin Shang culture, the image of the owl plummeted, and even added the notoriety of "mother-eating", its influence has continued to modern times, and the owl "night owl" is a bad impression. Holding it up to the altar and slandering it, the owl itself is not at fault, it cannot speak, it cannot express, but it is involved in human wars, regime changes, and the central link of the war, and is regarded as a cultural discard. If you are overly concerned, it is better to let it be nurtured naturally and repeat the cycle. The author wants to present the image of the owl in another language through the combination of three-dimensional expression of leather carving and luggage. At the same time, the traditional leather carving technology and modern leather carving technology are used as the way to realize the exploration and innovation of the leather surface of the luggage, make three-dimensional effects, explore the balance between traditional and modern leather carving technology, break through the traditional leather carving style, innovate the leather carving pattern, and abstract the design of the leather carving pattern, so as to present the luggage with a more modern aesthetics.