Fire in the Steppe

Category: Accessories

「星火燎原」象徵一點點小火星即能燃起熊熊烈焰,啟發無限創意。靈感源源不絕,或許來自於日常生活中的微小發現、美麗風景,又或是與他人的交流互動。當我們保持開放心態,靜心感受大自然、閱讀書籍、思考交流,這些種種都能成為靈感的來源。如同星星閃爍在夜空,一絲靈感足以燃起創造力的火焰,引領我們走向前行。 "A single spark can start a prairie fire" symbolizes how a small spark can ignite a raging flame and inspire unlimited creativity. Inspiration comes endlessly, perhaps from small discoveries in daily life, beautiful scenery, or interactions with others. When we keep an open mind, feel nature quietly, read books, think and communicate, all these can become sources of inspiration. Like stars twinkling in the night sky, a hint of inspiration can ignite the flame of creativity and lead us forward.