Category: Footwear
“雪域”冬季登山靴灵感来源于中国传统动画《天书奇谭》中的山峦造型和画面配色。这款登山靴采用了耐磨性皮革和3D打印技术,体现了可持续性设计的理念。 太阳能板、囊状结构和3D打印蜂窝结构等多项设计,使得这双登山靴具有轻便、防滑、保暖、缓震和减重等多种优势,非常适合在雪山、冰川等户外环境中穿着。 在设计上,“雪域”冬季登山靴将传统元素与现代时尚相结合,体现了“新国潮”的设计理念。同时,它的多项功能性设计也使其成为户外探险者的理想选择。这种创新的设计和技术突破,不仅在户外运动领域具有广泛的应用,同时也为可持续性发展提供了一种新的思路和方向。 “雪域”冬季登山靴充分展示了传统元素与现代创新的设计理念和功能性设计,不仅可以满足户外探险者在极端环境下的需求,也反映了现代人对健康和环境的关注。 The "Snowland" winter mountaineering boots are inspired by the mountain shapes and color schemes in the Chinese traditional animation "Tianshu Qitan". These boots use wear-resistant leather and 3D printing technology to embody the concept of sustainable design. Multiple designs such as solar panels, bag-shaped structures, and 3D printed honeycomb structures make these boots lightweight, slip-resistant, warm, shock-absorbing, and reduce weight, making them ideal for outdoor environments such as snow-capped mountains and glaciers. In terms of design, the "Snowland" winter mountaineering boots combine traditional elements with modern fashion, reflecting the design concept of "New Chinese Style". At the same time, its functional design makes it an ideal choice for outdoor adventurers. This innovative design and technological breakthrough not only has extensive applications in the outdoor sports field, but also provides a new idea and direction for sustainable development. Overall, the "Snowland" winter mountaineering boots fully demonstrate the perfect combination of traditional elements and modern innovation in design concept and functional design. They not only meet the needs of outdoor adventurers in extreme environments, but also reflect modern people's concern for health and the environment.