An Alchemist's desire
Category: Apparel
Human bodies have always interacted with technology. Digital bodies, in the context of design and art, encompass the representation and exploration of the human form using digital technology. The concept of bringing digital bodies into tangible reality opens up new avenues for creative expression, blurring the boundaries between the virtual and physical worlds. By combining digital technologies with physical manifestations, the aim is to create a sensorial experience that pushes the boundaries of traditional art forms and engages viewers in novel ways. Through this project, I seek to challenge existing perceptions of the human form, provoke thought about the impact of technology on identity, and explore the possibilities of embodied interactions. Bodies are digitalized more than ever in the modern digital age, both by individuals acting on their behalf and by other actors and agencies wishing to represent and monitor their bodies. The bodies are not extrapolated or enhanced but rather reconfigured, through the embodiment of today’s temporal system which is undergoing perpetual change, influenced and altered by newer technology. Objects are viewed as participating in specific sets of relations, including those with other artefacts as well as with people. The term ‘assemblage’ is often used to capture these entanglements. Assemblages of human flesh and nonhuman actors are constantly configured and reconfigured. An Alchemist's desire explores the idea of hybrid materiality, creating a physical entity mimicking the digital reality, delving into the idea of a digital body and the interaction of a human with technology. The modular garment is created by zero-waste geometric patterns, interlocked to create a 3-dimensional textile offering numerous combinations of patterns.