Category: Accessories
一、设计理念“龙”耳机设计灵感来源于东方美学中对龙的崇拜和象征意义。旨在通过现代科技与传统文化的结合,为用户带来独特的听觉体验与文化享受。 产品以龙为设计主题,通过巧妙的设计手法,将龙的形态、神韵融入耳机的外观与功能中,呈现出一种既现代又传统的美感。 二、外观设计耳机整体造型:采用流线型设计,以龙的形态为蓝本,线条流畅、优雅。耳机外壳采用皮革材质,既美观又耐用。 1、 The design concept of "Dragon" earphones is inspired by the worship and symbolic significance of the dragon in Eastern aesthetics. Intended to bring users a unique auditory experience and cultural enjoyment through the combination of modern technology and traditional culture.The product is designed with the theme of dragon, and through clever design techniques, the shape and charm of the dragon are integrated into the appearance and function of the earphones, presenting a modern and traditional beauty. 2、 Overall design of the earphones: adopting a streamlined design, based on the shape of a dragon, with smooth and elegant lines. The earphone case is made of leather material, which is both beautiful and durable.