Bovine Defense Force

Category: Accessories

遊戲<巫師3>裡面有個彩蛋,當玩家在遊戲初始村莊殺掉太多隻乳牛後,村莊就會出現一隻長著羊羊角的巨大惡魔追殺玩家。遊戲利用玩家象徵人類,長角的惡魔象徵被我們無端迫害的環境及生命,總有一天,我們會招來復仇。 以遊戲中的羊角惡魔為靈感,將自然及盔甲的元素融合進配件,牛頭面具象徵著被迫害的生物們,綠葉和木紋象徵著自然的生命力,暗紅色的護甲象徵對迫害者的仇恨,殘破的披風象徵滿目瘡痍的環境。 這一個系列是由各種配件所組成,一個具防禦和裝飾性的肩甲,一個包含大腿包的寬腰帶,一對手套,一對綁腿以及一件披風,每個作品可以分開來和各種服裝做搭配,特別適合和中世紀風格的復古服裝做搭配。 In the game "The Witcher 3", there is an easter egg where if a player kills too many cows in the starting village, a giant demon with goat horns will appear and chase the player. The game uses the player as a symbol for humanity, and the horned demon represents the environment and life that we unjustly persecute. It suggests that one day, we will face the consequences of our actions. Inspired by the horned demon in the game, this series combines natural and armor elements into accessories. The bull head mask symbolizes persecuted animals, green leaves and wood textures represent the vitality of nature, dark red armor represents the hatred towards the persecutors, and the tattered cloak represents the scarred environment. This series consists of various accessories, including a defensive and decorative shoulder armor, a wide waistband with thigh pouch, a pair of gloves, a pair of leg bindings, and a cloak. Each item can be mixed and matched with various outfits, and is especially suitable for pairing with retro medieval style clothing.