同頻共振 Simultaneous resonance

Category: Accessories

生命中發生的一切都是我們吸引來的,同樣頻率的東西會共振共鳴走到一起,思想、意識、言論、精神狀態等方面產生共鳴或協同,猶如「吸引力法則」,物理學家也認為兩性關係的交往也存在同頻共振,各自擁有相似的價值觀和意識的男女,用自身魅力對彼此形成一種吸引,他們的言語、行為在對方眼中看來都是一種默契,帶來心理上的滿足感。 Everything that happens in life is attracted by us. Things of the same frequency will resonate and come together. Thoughts, consciousness, speech, mental state and other aspects resonate or synergize, just like the "law of attraction". Physicists also believe that There is also the same frequency resonance in the relationship between the sexes. Men and women who each have similar values ​​and consciousness form a kind of attraction to each other with their own charm. Their words and behaviors are a kind of tacit understanding in the eyes of the other party, which brings psychological satisfaction.