《想念的介質》The Medium of Missing Dearly- Convey the Missing
Category: Accessories
記得嗎?那個傳遍大街小巷的叫喊聲: 信件!364號有信件!186號有包裹!請簽收 欣喜期待的在簽收單上劃下姓名 劃開封蠟,詳細閱讀每個句子,每個詞,每一個字 信件上主旨中的溫暖寓意 道出濃情的想念。 紙上還有些字跡被水滴暈開的痕跡, 想像書寫的人的心情,或許悲傷,或許感動,或許就是想念。 這次的系列想藉由郵寄信件的方式進行想念的傳達,傳達的是對家人、朋友,所有愛的人的想念。 郵差在其中也擔任了重要的角色,他所背上的郵差包,裡頭的信件承載了許多人的情意。每一封信件都期待被安全、完整的送到收件人手中。為了不讓人們深刻的想念被破壞,於是這次系列設計一款不同以往的郵差包,多了堅固的硬底結構設計,保護郵件。也體諒郵差的辛苦,設計符合人體工學的弧形包款,符合人體背負時的形狀。內有多種夾層結構可以容納不一樣大小的的信件及小型包裹,也可以裝載郵差先生/小姐在長時間的寄送過程中所需要的物品,水壺、零食等等。 而第二款皮夾是仿信封的樣貌,在信封的表面材質上,處理文件上字跡的斑駁,紙的質感仿舊、復古,復刻淚水的痕跡,呈現信件最真實的樣貌,也代表著想念與愛永恆的價值。 Remember? That cry echoing through the streets and alleys: "Mail! Mail for number 364! Parcel for number 186! Please sign for it." Joyfully, eagerly signing your name on the receipt. Breaking the seal, carefully reading each letter, each sentence, and every single word. The warmth and meaning conveyed in the main message of the letter, expressing deep Missing. Some of the words on the paper are blurred by watermarks. Imagine the mood of the writer, perhaps sadness, perhaps touched, perhaps just missing someone. This series aims to convey missing through the delivery of mail, expressing thoughts of family, friends, and all beloved ones. The postman plays a crucial role in this, carrying on his back a mailbag filled with the sentiments of many. Each letter hopes to be safely and intactly delivered to its recipient. In order not to let people's profound longing be disrupted, this series introduces a different type of mailbag, with a sturdy hard bottom design to protect the mail. It also considers the hardships of the postman, designing an ergonomic curved bag that fits the shape of the body when being carried. Inside, there are various compartments to accommodate different sizes of letters and small packages, as well as to carry items the postman may need during long delivery journeys, such as a water bottle, snacks, etc. The second item of the collection, a wallet, resembles an envelope. The surface material of the envelope is treated to mimic the mottled marks of writing on documents, with the texture of the paper appearing old and vintage, replicating the traces of tears, presenting the most authentic appearance of a letter, symbolizing the eternal value of missing and love.