tea memories

Category: Footwear

在我的記憶裡’最常喝爺爺的回憶就是坐在他旁邊喝茶。茶葉在台灣的文化歷史當中扮演著關鍵的角色’台灣茶葉不僅僅是一種飲品’更象徵著台灣的文化、禮儀和品味。 台灣茶文化造就許多藝術家們的靈感,多年來因為藝術家們的創作,茶和文學藝術在台灣歷史上互相融合、滋養,形成一個地方傳統、創造力和美學的獨特風貌。 我希望將我記憶裡台灣茶園的風貌傳出去,我利用茶園高低落差感、遠山青藍的色彩和茶具去做創作,結合皮革自身的厚度和韌性,這件作品我重視著當地文化和大自然賦予台灣的饋贈,期許人們注重生態,保護生態。 In my memory, the most common memory of my grandfather is sitting next to him drinking tea. Tea plays a key role in Taiwan's cultural history. Taiwanese tea is more than just a drink. It also symbolizes Taiwan's culture, etiquette and taste. Taiwan's tea culture has inspired many artists. Over the years, thanks to the artists' creations, tea and literature and art have integrated and nourished each other in Taiwan's history, forming a unique local tradition, creativity and aesthetics. I hope to pass on the style of Taiwan’s tea gardens in my memory. I used the sense of height difference in the tea gardens, the blue color of the distant mountains and tea sets to create creations. Combined with the thickness and toughness of the leather itself, I paid attention to the local culture and the greatness of the world in this work. As a gift from nature to Taiwan, we hope that people will pay attention to and protect the ecology.