Category: Accessories

设计说明:互联网时代、元宇宙的持续发酵,越来越多的人沉浸在虚拟幻境之中,现世的痛苦得以解脱。未来的世界,虚拟与现实的边界日渐模糊,将虚拟数字作为信仰之人相信,入虚拟,得救赎。 「数字信徒」便是源自对人类与科技之间关系的想象与思考的箱包系列设计。 Design Description: In the era of the Internet and the continuous fermentation of the metaverse, more and more people are immersed in virtual illusions, and the pain of the present world is relieved. In the future world, the boundary between virtual and reality is becoming increasingly blurred. Those who believe in virtual numbers will be saved by entering the virtual world. TheDigital Believer is a series of luggage designs inspired by imagination and contemplation of the relationship between humans and technology.