Category: Apparel
Motorcycling is an extreme sport that is becoming more and more popular with the public, it represents rebellion, courage and independence, and it is also a way to decompress, the wind blows through the ears, it symbolizes the spirit of fearlessness.What kind of beauty will appear when the basic black, white and gray color of the motorcycle suit collides with a little blue? Present it in the costume to give it a touch of mystery.Cowhide is used as the main clothing fabric, the leather is soft and shiny, the finished product has a strong texture, and is breathable and sweat-absorbing, so that the clothing has stronger comfort.Splitting, splicing, braiding rope and other processes create visual effects, shape its unique three-dimensional sense, and make the clothing more fashionable. 机车这一项极限运动越来越受大众喜欢爱,它代表着叛逆,勇气和独立精神,同时它也是一种解压方式,呼呼的风从耳边吹过,它象征着无畏的精神.机车服的基本黑白灰色彩撞上一点蓝色,又会出现怎样的美感。将它呈现在服装中,让服装具有一丝神秘的色彩。选用牛皮做主要服装面料,皮质软而富有光泽,成品质感强,且透气,吸汗,令服装具有更强的舒适度。分割,拼接,编绳等工艺,制造视觉效果,塑造其独一无二的立体感,让服装更具时尚性.