
Category: Apparel

我的靈感源自於德國詩人赫曼・赫塞人生最後時刻寫下的詩歌: “樹枝彎折,枯乾高懸, 在風裡唱著它的哀歌, 過了一年又一年, 沒了樹皮,沒了樹葉。 光禿蒼白,又疲倦。 不想再長長地活,不想再長長地死, 它的歌硬實,堅韌, 執著卻也隱隱不安。” 有時生活像樹枝一樣,全力上爬,卻只是不斷在反覆之間繞著圈子,看不見出口也不知道該往何處。不過生命本就是時時刻刻無法預測,所以間歇性的搖擺也沒關係。因為經歷了風吹雨打後終究會迎向陽光普照,變得堅韌又美麗。 I was inspired by a poem written by a German poet named Hermann Hesse in the last moments of his life: “A branch, broken and split, dangling year after year, clicking it’ s song to the wind. With neither leaves nor bark. bear, wan, worn out, by a long life and long death. Its song echos, cracking and persistent, stubbornly, it resounds with secret anguish.” Sometimes life is like a branch, climbing up with all its strength, but it just keeps going in circles repeatedly, it can’t see the exit and don’t know where to go. But life is inherently unpredictable moment by moment, so intermittent swings are fine. Because after battering by the wind and rain, it will eventually face the sun and become tough and beautiful.