
Category: Apparel

"Watchtower" is a creation born from my personal journey revisiting the ancient city wall of Xi'an, the city of my birth. Drawing inspiration from Michel Foucault's concept of categorization and delving into the philosophy of the body, this work explores the structured orders that govern our existence. It expresses the complexity of identity within societal constructs. It is a visual discourse on the philosophy of the body, celebrating the softness within the structured discipline and exploring individuality when rules become a canvas for personal expression. In my commitment to sustainability, I emphasize the use of leather with wounds and scars, utilizing every piece to its fullest potential through special manipulation techniques. Each piece of leather tells a story, mirroring the journey of the body within societal constraints and celebrating imperfections as marks of beauty and strength. This sustainable practice not only reduces waste but also encourages a deeper appreciation for the raw, unaltered essence of the material.

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