Category: Apparel
“天地与我并生,而万物与我为一。“ 道家早早对人与自然的概念做出了阐释。尊重既有的规律,让万物之美自然地呈现在天地之间,“无为”亦为有为。道家元素与现代服装廓形的碰撞,呈现出一种独特的黑白风格。展现了对环境保护和可持续发展的关注。 "Heaven and Earth are one with me,and all things are one with me." The Taoist school explained the concept of man and nature as early as possible. Respect the established law, so that the beauty of all things naturally present in the world, “Inaction” is also promising. The collision of Taoist elements with the outline of modern clothing presents a unique black-and-white style. Shows concern for environmental protection and sustainable development.