浮生半日闲Floating Life Half Day Leisure
Category: Accessories
设计说明:禅意之美,在于与自然的共生,无限宇宙之中,一撇一捺,一方一圆,皆为人生,方圆之间,天人合一,与自然共生。本作品名为“浮生半日闲”意在表达在纷繁浮躁的现实生活中寻得一丝闲情和宁静,整体风格以当今的新中式和禅文化结合,思考箱包在生活中脱离使用范围后在家中充当“摆件”的可能性。剖析禅文化爱好者的风格喜好和家庭装修,做出一系列女士箱包设计,同时也是工艺品。整体色彩以低饱和度为主,加以鲜艳色点缀其中,可搭配新中式服饰,旗袍等中式风格服装。本作品以皮,樟木,崖柏相结合,意在传承传统棕编技艺的同时,也蕴涵其中的爱护自然,可持续发展的思想,表达在纷繁世界中,人与自然和谐共生的禅意思维,这也是禅文化中的“追求安详自然的生活美学” Design Description: The beauty of Zen lies in its symbiosis with nature. In the infinite universe, every movement, every movement, and every circle is life. Between these circles, heaven and man are united and coexist with nature. The title of this work is "Floating Life Half Day Leisure", which aims to express a trace of leisure and tranquility in the complex and impetuous real life. The overall style combines the current New Chinese style and Zen culture, and contemplates the possibility of luggage serving as a decoration" at home after being separated from its use in daily life. Analyze the style preferences and home decoration of Zen culture enthusiasts, and create a series of women's luggage designs, which are also handicrafts. The overall color is mainly low saturation, with bright colors embellished, which can be paired with new Chinese clothing, cheongsam, and other Chinese style clothing. This work combines leather, camphor wood, and cypress trees, aiming to inherit traditional palm weaving techniques while also embodying the idea of caring for nature and sustainable development. It expresses the Zen thinking of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in the complex world, which is also the "pursuit of peaceful and natural life aesthetics" in Zen culture.