Monologue at Night

Category: Accessories

將個人失眠經歷結合英語俗諺:「胃裡有蝴蝶」一句作為發想,猶如胃袋的包身廓型,佈滿各種大小不一的蝴蝶,並以紅色燈光襯托,呈現出當自己覺察到無法入眠時,那份令人感到不安的焦慮感。 將天然植鞣革結合異材質,透過圖案廓型與光影變化,呈現出夜晚燈光照明效果。採用可插電式LED燈,改善拋棄式電池造成之能源消耗,以呼應永續發展議題,並延長產品使用壽命。除了基礎袋包功能之外,也可作為便攜型氣氛燈,應用於傢飾陳設、戶外露營、野餐派對…等場景,打造出產品多功能性。 Inspired by my own insomnia experience and the English proverb “Butterflies in my stomach.”, this bag has a stomach shape with different sizes butterflies and is aided with red light to describe the uneasy feeling of anxiety when I can’t fall asleep. This multifunctional bag combined vegetable tanned leather and multi-materials. Plug-in LED lights were used for sustainable purposes and to decrease the pollution from disposable batteries. The patterns on the bag allow for different levels of light and shadow so other than storage, the bags could also be used as a portable atmosphere lamp for home furnishing, outdoor camping, and picnic parties, etc.