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灵感来源于神经生物学家坎达丝·珀特(Candace Pert)的研究显示,充满着不同情绪的想法与记忆,会让身体制造出不同的神经缩氨酸。 进一步的发现是,器官可以储存情绪信息。在今日器官移植日益普遍之际,这点已经得到更多的证实。 事实上,所有的器官和细胞都储存了情绪的信息,这种现象就是所谓的'细胞记忆'(cellular memory)。 探索情绪的好坏对于人们身体及心里健康的相关性。 受神经生物学家坎迪斯·珀特(Candace Pert)的启发,研究表明,充满不同情绪的思想和记忆会导致身体产生不同的神经肽。 进一步的发现是器官可以存储情感信息。随着器官移植变得越来越普遍,这一点在今天得到了更多的证实。 事实上,所有的器官和细胞都存储着情感信息,这种现象被称为"细胞记忆"。 探索好情绪和坏情绪对人们身心健康的相关性。 Inspired by neurobiologist Candace Pert's research showing that thoughts and memories filled with different emotions cause the body to produce different neuropeptides. A further finding is that organs can store emotional information. This has been confirmed even more today as organ transplants become more common. In fact, all organs and cells store emotional information, a phenomenon known as 'cellular memory'. Explore the correlation between good and bad emotions for people's physical and mental health. Inspired by neurobiologist Candace Pert, research has shown that thoughts and memories filled with different emotions cause the body to produce different neuropeptides. A further finding is that organs can store emotional information. This is even more confirmed today as organ transplants become more common. In fact, all organs and cells store emotional information, a phenomenon known as "cellular memory." Explore the relevance of good and bad moods to people's physical and mental health.