Category: Apparel
本系列设计的灵感来源于慢生活概念提出的很早,是由“慢食运动”发展出来的一系列慢生活方式,以提醒生活在高速发展时代的人们,慢下来关注心灵,环境以及传统,在工作和生活中适当地放慢速度。慢生活不是拖延时间,而是让人们在生活中找到平衡,张弛有度,劳逸结合,提升生活质量,提升幸福感。在这个快节奏的世界里,人们往往忽略了身心健康的重要性,忽视了与家人朋友共度时光的温馨。慢生活鼓励人们停下来,品味生活中的点滴美好,感受大自然的馈赠,培养内心的宁静与平和。这种生活方式不仅仅关乎个人,也关乎整个社会的和谐发展。让我们一起在这个瞬息万变的世界中,学会放慢脚步,感受生活的美好与意义。 我将会在服装的廓形上表达。服装的领子设计,打破了固有的规则,夸张领子的形态,形似在释放自己。我的设计不仅仅停留在表面的装饰,而是希望通过领子的独特设计,传达一种自由、大胆和与众不同的态度。领子不再只是服装的一部分,它成为了我作为设计师的独特标志,也是我对时尚界的一次挑战和革新。我相信,时尚不应该局限于固有的模式,而是应该勇敢地突破传统,勇敢地表达自己。 色彩主要运用到的是高级灰,我给它取名为形形状状的灰色。高级灰的运用可以使空间看起来更加现代和时尚,同时也带有一丝沉稳和内敛。这种灰色可以很好地搭配各种不同的颜色,既能突出自身的高级感,又不会显得过于张扬。 在面料的工艺上,将采用牛皮,和可溶解面料,生物材料——玉米纤维,环保,可持续发展为了确保产品符合环保和可持续发展的要求,我们还会选择经过认证的面料供应商,并且采用节能减排的生产工艺。 我希望通过这些设计,唤起人们对于慢生活的思考,让他们在繁忙的生活中找到片刻的宁静与平衡。每一件服装不仅是简单的穿着,更是对生活态度的表达,是对环境和传统的尊重。我相信,慢生活不仅是一种生活方式,更是一种对内心深处渴望的回应。让我们共同走向慢生活的旅程,发现生活中的美好,感受自然的馈赠,并在这个多元世界中找到自己独特的存在意义。 这个系列的设计灵感很早就从慢生活的概念中汲取灵感,是“慢食运动”发展起来的一系列慢生活方式,提醒生活在快速发展时代的人们放慢脚步,关注思想、环境和传统,在工作和生活中适当放慢脚步。慢生活不是拖延时间,而是让人们在生活中找到平衡,适度放松,将工作和休息结合起来,提高生活质量,增强幸福感。在这个快节奏的世界里,人们往往忽视了身心健康的重要性,忽视了与家人和朋友共度时光的温暖。慢生活鼓励人们停下脚步,品味生活的美好,感受大自然的馈赠,培养内心的平静与安宁。这种生活方式不仅关乎个人,也关乎整个社会的和谐发展。让我们学会放慢脚步,在这个瞬息万变的世界中感受生命的美丽和意义。 我打算用衣服的轮廓来表达它。服装的衣领设计打破了固有的规则,夸张了衣领的形状,仿佛在释放自己。我的设计不仅仅是表面的装饰,而是希望通过衣领的独特设计,传达出一种自由、大胆、与众不同的态度。衣领不再只是服装的一部分,它已经成为我作为设计师的独特身份,也是我对时尚界的挑战和创新。我认为时尚不应该局限于刻板印象,而应该勇敢地突破传统,勇敢地表达自己。 我使用的主要颜色是高级灰色,我将其命名为形状状灰色。高档灰色的运用,可以使空间看起来更加现代时尚,同时又多了一丝沉稳和克制。这种灰色可以很好地搭配各种不同的颜色,既能凸显自身的奢华感,又不会显得过于张扬。 在面料制作过程中,我们将使用牛皮、可溶解面料、生物材料-玉米纤维、环保、可持续发展等,为确保产品符合环保和可持续发展的要求,我们还将选择经过认证的面料供应商,采用节能减排的生产工艺。 希望通过这些设计,唤起人们对慢生活的思考,让他们在忙碌的生活中找到片刻的平静与平衡。每件衣服都不仅仅是一件简单易用的衣服R,也是对生活态度的表达,以及对环境和传统的尊重。我相信慢生活不仅是一种生活方式,更是对内心最深处渴望的回应。让我们一起踏上慢生活之旅,发现生活之美,感受大自然的馈赠,在这个多元的世界中寻找属于自己的独特意义。 The design of this series is inspired by the concept of slow life very early on, and is a series of slow lifestyles developed by the "Slow Food Movement" to remind people living in the era of rapid development to slow down and pay attention to the mind, environment and tradition, and to slow down appropriately in work and life. Slow life is not about procrastinating time, but about allowing people to find balance in life, relax in moderation, combine work and rest, improve the quality of life, and enhance happiness. In this fast-paced world, people often overlook the importance of physical and mental health, and neglect the warmth of spending time with family and friends. Slow living encourages people to stop, savor the beauty of life, feel the gifts of nature, and cultivate inner peace and tranquility. This way of life is not only about the individual, but also about the harmonious development of the whole society. Let's learn to slow down and feel the beauty and meaning of life in this rapidly changing world. I'm going to express it in the silhouette of the garment. The collar design of the costume breaks the inherent rules, exaggerating the shape of the collar, as if releasing itself. My design is not just about the superficial decoration, but I hope to convey a free, bold and different attitude through the unique design of the collar. The collar is no longer just a part of the garment, it has become my unique identity as a designer, and it is also a challenge and innovation for me to the fashion industry. I believe that fashion should not be limited to stereotypes, but should be brave enough to break through tradition and express itself bravely. The main color I use is high-grade gray, which I named shape-like gray. The use of high-grade gray can make the space look more modern and stylish, while also having a touch of calmness and restraint. This gray color can be well matched with a variety of different colors, which can not only highlight its own sense of luxury, but also not look too ostentatious. In the process of fabrics, we will use cowhide, and dissolvable fabrics, biomaterials - corn fiber, environmental protection, sustainable development In order to ensure that the products meet the requirements of environmental protection and sustainable development, we will also select certified fabric suppliers, and adopt energy-saving and emission reduction production processes. Through these designs, I hope to arouse people's thinking about slow life, so that they can find a moment of peace and balance in their busy lives. Each garment is not only a simple to wear, but also an expression of attitude towards life, and a respect for the environment and tradition. I believe that slow living is not only a way of life, but also a response to the deepest desires of the heart. Let's take a journey towards a slow life together, discover the beauty of life, feel the gift of nature, and find our own unique meaning in this diverse world.