Category: Apparel
《ASTRONEER》是我个人原创的创意服装系列,它的灵感来自于科幻系列电影沙丘 星际迷航 太空漫游2001这些电影,我提取了其中的废土文化异星文明、星际旅行和二十世纪六十年代兴起的复古未来主义。本系列展现了自然与科技交融的审美观念,将未来主义与原始元素巧妙结合,呈现出前卫而不失原始美感的视觉效果。本系列在色彩上运用了以废土元素为灵感的土褐色系。廓形结合了复古未来主义中浮夸和“前卫”的造型。图案设计是以流沙和无线电波的波浪形结合,并抽象化后的图案,以珠绣的手法呈现;此外还有运用镂空工艺的圆点图案,这些有秩序的图案代表人们对外星文明未知感和神秘感的抽象体现。本系列多处使用了拉链可拆卸衣片的设计,以达到一衣多穿的多种视觉效果;以牛皮作为主要面料,纯棉灯芯绒面料作为辅助面料,体现系列的耐用性。就像上世纪人们对宇宙的探索一样,这一系列是对未来时尚的一种探索与尝试。 Astroneer is my original creative clothing series, inspired by science fiction movies such as Dune, Interstellar Trek, and Space Odyssey 2001. I have extracted elements from these movies, including the wasteland culture, interstellar civilizations, interstellar travel, and the retro futurism that emerged in the 1960s. This series showcases the aesthetic concept of blending nature and technology, cleverly combining futurism with primitive elements, presenting a avant-garde yet original aesthetic visual effect. This series uses a earthy brown color scheme inspired by wasteland elements in color.The silhouette combines the exaggerated and avant-garde styles of retro futurism. The pattern design is a combination of flowing sand and radio waves, abstracted and presented in the form of bead embroidery; In addition, there are circular dot patterns using hollowed out techniques, which represent the abstract embodiment of people's sense of unknown and mysterious extraterrestrial civilization. This series uses the design of detachable zipper pieces in multiple places to achieve a variety of visual effects of wearing multiple clothes; Using cowhide as the main fabric and pure cotton corduroy as the auxiliary fabric reflects the durability of the series. Just like people's exploration of the universe in the last century, this series is an exploration and attempt at future fashion.