time of light and shadow
Category: Apparel
光影流年 灵感来源来自于环境污染、水资源浪费等现状的思考。 光是指地、影是指水,而流年则是不断变化的时间。 寒来暑往,事物留下岁月的痕迹。 “光影流年”表现从过去丰富的自然环境到现在土地干旱、淡水紧缺、生态环境破坏的过程, 通过抽象、变形、重组等手法,融入服装当中。 但是孔子说:“四时行焉,百物生焉”,所以只有我们自己才能够通过改变自身来减缓、扭转并阻止这一趋势。 The inspiration of the clothing comes from thinking about the current situation of environmental pollution and water waste. Light refers to the earth, shadow refers to water, and time is time.Things leave traces of time. "time of light and shadow" shows the process from the rich natural environment in the past to the present land drought, fresh water shortage, ecological environment destruction, through abstraction, deformation, reorganization and other methods, integrated into the clothing. But Confucius said, "In four seasons, everything comes into being," so only we ourselves can slow, reverse and stop this trend by changing ourselves.