Category: Design
《翼角》 设计说明:灵感来源于北京中轴线上景山公园的传统建筑结构——飞檐,与现代设计融合,其外观采用飞檐结构,翼角翘起,形如飞鸟展翅。包面运用褶皱工艺,采用珠光粉牛皮,更具有赛博朋克的现代气息,增添了一份未来感和个性感。

《翼角》 设计说明:灵感来源于北京中轴线上景山公园的传统建筑结构——飞檐,与现代设计融合,其外观采用飞檐结构,翼角翘起,形如飞鸟展翅。包面运用褶皱工艺,采用珠光粉牛皮,更具有赛博朋克的现代气息,增添了一份未来感和个性感。
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Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
China Mainland 2024
北京, 中国
Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.