《Rose Flamingo》

Category: Footwear

设计说明:火烈鸟的身体曲线优美,有着美丽的外套,在自然界中具有独特的时尚感。我的设计灵感来自火烈鸟仿生造型设计,能给人一种自由、火辣、时尚的感觉。采用环保、轻质材料,使连衣裙能更轻盈、更美观、更优雅的动作。 Design description: The flamingo's body is curvy, it has a beautiful coat, and it has a unique fashion in nature. My design is inspired by the Flamingo bionic styling design, wearing it gives people a free, fiery and stylish feeling. The use of environmentally friendly, lightweight materials makes it possible to wear clothes more lightly, more beautifully, and elegantly.