Category: Footwear
Theme: Puyuma Puyuma has an exquisite meaning of craftsmanship in the Paiwan language. This design highlights the beauty of hardness and softness with black and red color matching. Also, use color bead embroidery and aboriginal totem decoration to match the neat shape of boots, reflecting the inheritance of aboriginal craftsmanship and new aesthetics. 主題:普利瑪 排灣族語中普利瑪具手藝精細意涵,設計以黑、紅配色既對比又調和凸顯剛柔含蓄之美,應用彩色珠繡與原民圖騰裝飾並搭配俐落筒靴造型,體現原民工藝與新美學結合傳承下去。