
Category: Footwear

When I was young, I always dreamed of having a pair of basketball shoes of my own so that I could wear them to the game. I was very envious when I saw my classmates had their own basketball shoes at school. The one I yearned for most was definitely aj1, but I still couldn’t get it. And The dream of basketball shoes has gradually faded over time, but it has become a regret in my heart. When I was a child, it was not because my family had no money that I couldn’t buy it. It was because my parents believed that children should study hard instead of playing basketball. It was also because the shackles of reading made me give up my dream. So I designed this pair of shoes. He is a pair of aj1s tightly held by both hands, but there are still handcuffs on the wrists. This symbolizes the way I was imprisoned by reading when I was a child, and also reminds me that whatever I want in the future is what I want. To grasp so as not to become a regret. 小時候 我一直憧憬著有一雙自己的籃球鞋讓我能穿著它上場比賽,在學校看到同學有自己的籃球鞋我就很羨慕 我最嚮往的絕對是aj1但我卻始終沒辦法得到它. 而籃球鞋的夢想隨著時間逐漸淡去卻成為我心中的遺憾。小時候的我並不是因為家裡沒有錢所以無法購買 而是我的家長認為小孩應該要認真讀書而不是打籃球 也因為讀書的枷鎖讓我放棄自己的夢想。於是我設計了這雙鞋 他是一雙aj1被一雙手緊緊握著 但在手腕處卻還有著手銬 這象徵著小時候的我被讀書囚禁的樣子,也提醒著我以後有什麼想要的就要把握著 以免成為遺憾。