Category: Accessories
This work uses the outer frame of the lock as the main shape, and the two sides are designed with men's and women's clothing respectively, wanting to express that the lock can be a symbol of love and emotional connection, not necessarily only the negative meaning of restriction and closure, the choice of love lock is to break the gender restriction through design, and the combination of men's and women's clothing shows the diversity and freedom of each person. 此件作品利用鎖的外框作為主要形狀,兩面分別運用男裝與女裝的造型設計,想表達鎖可以是象徵愛情與情感的連結,不一定只有限制與封閉等的負面寓意,會選擇愛心鎖是希望透過設計打破性別的限制,同時男裝與女裝的結合更展現每個人內在的多樣性和自由。