Category: Accessories
Using PTSD as the focal point, delving into the trauma of soldiers after war. "How do I know who is a friend and who is an enemy?" WHO ARE YOU expresses the uncertainty of soldiers during onset, unable to differentiate between foe and comrade, feeling lost within themselves. Memories of past trauma often hijack one's sense of time and space, trapping them in a cycle of helplessness. The fabric treatment employs a mottled effect, with the right-side design capable of being opened to reveal a heart filled with spikes. The orange interior symbolizes the chaos of war, and the fabric is designed to protrude. On the left side, many faces are depicted, representing the difficulty in distinguishing friend from foe. The inclusion of numerous calluses also signifies bullet holes from the war, illustrating how deeply PTSD affects soldiers' hearts. The design is modeled after a soldier's canteen, which is indispensable to them, much like facing the heart of war and killing enemies. However, it is this loyalty that becomes a triggering factor for PTSD.