Category: Accessories
产品灵感来源来自中国福建漆艺,作为中国传统工艺美术与非物质文化遗产,其源于自然,成为人巧。《大戴礼记·礼察》中记载“漆者,饰器之物也。”自古以来,漆艺就作为一种装饰手段在器物装饰上发挥重要作用。随着时间发展漆器的成色也愈发透亮晶莹。其中涂漆的起伏错落表现出来的流水形状与蛋壳打碎、重组、打磨而呈现出来的美感质朴、细腻,历久弥新。将背包设计成蛋状外观,追溯本源,再将碎片采用结构切割方法,旨在最大限度地提高皮革的利用率。采用了蛋壳这种碎片化结合的方式,同时搭配魔术贴,通过魔术贴的粘贴与拆卸,以及背包内结合漆艺与数码印的替芯的更换,使皮包拥有多功能性与替换性,希望能发扬中国漆器的丰富传统,并展现天然材料之美。 The product inspiration comes from Fujian paint art in China. As a traditional Chinese arts and crafts and intangible cultural heritage, it originates from nature and becomes a clever person. "Da Dai Li Ji · Li Cha" recorded in the "lacquer, decorative objects also." Since ancient times, lacquer has played an important role in the decoration of utensils as a means of decoration. With the development of time, the color of the lacquer has become more transparent. Among them, the ups and downs of the paint show the shape of the flowing water and the beauty of the eggshell broken, restructured and polished is simple and delicate, which has been renewed for ages. The backpack is designed to look like an egg, trace the origin, and then use the structural cutting method to maximize the utilization of leather. Using the fragmented combination of eggshell and Velcro, through the pasting and disassembling of Velcro, as well as the replacement of the core combined with lacquer and digital printing in the backpack, the bag has versatility and replaceable, hoping to carry forward the rich tradition of Chinese lacquer and show the beauty of natural materials.