The creation of hand,Cowboy Fanny pack
Category: Accessories
灵感来自动漫钢之炼金术师爱德华以及 紫罗兰永恒花园的薇尔莉特的机械手臂,逛毕业展时看到一个作品用羽毛制造出了不 屑的感觉, 就想能不能用皮革做出类似金属质感的机械 腰包灵感来自上个世纪中叶的牛仔枪包 Inspired by anime steel alchemist Edward arecoRerEeerao farem aoepg senRops with feathers to create a sense of wood chips, I wondered if I could use leather to make a similar metallic robotic arm. The Fanny pack was inspired by mid-century cowboy gun bags.