Category: Accessories
北京故宫是中国 明清 两代的皇家宫殿,旧称紫禁城,位于 北京中轴线 的中心。故宫以 三大殿 为中心,占地面积约72万平方米,建筑面积约15万平方米,有大小宫殿七十多座,相传故宫一共有9999.5间,实际据1973年专家现场测量故宫有房间8707间 。北京的屋檐极具特色,同时也充满了结构的美,故宫有着70多座宫殿,各式各样的屋顶都集聚在故宫。以故宫的屋檐为灵感,进行结构设计。参考了卷棚顶的样式,两边是一个小包,用水洗纸制作,增加了层次感,两边和把手都是用水曲柳的木头制作,更具有中国传统美感。颜色上面,因为是晴檐,是晴天的屋檐的含义,但是在我看见卷棚顶的时候是故宫飘雪的时候,所以用简单的白色荔枝纹牛皮,加上木头原始的纹理,简约大气 The imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties of China, formerly known as the Forbidden City, is located at the center of the central axis of Beijing. The Palace Museum is centered on the three main halls, covering an area of about 720,000 square meters, the construction area of about 150,000 square meters, there are more than 70 palaces, according to legend, the Palace Museum has a total of 9999.5, according to the actual measurement of experts in 1973, the Palace Museum has 8707 rooms. Eaves in Beijing are very distinctive, but also full of structural beauty, the Forbidden City has more than 70 palaces, all kinds of roofs are gathered in the Forbidden City. Inspired by the eaves of the Forbidden City, the structural design was carried out. Referring to the style of the roof of the rolling shed, there is a small bag on both sides, which is made of water washing paper to increase the sense of layer. Both sides and handles are made of wood of manchuria, which has a traditional Chinese aesthetic feeling. Above the color, because it is a clear eaves, it is the meaning of sunny eaves, but when I see the roof of the rolling shed is when the snow falls in the palace, so I use simple white lychee grain cowhide, plus the original texture of wood, simple and atmospheric